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MonMen Zoom Group

An online Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) meeting based in Indiana, we also welcome our brothers from Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) &

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA).

This group meets via the Zoom app every Monday at 4:30pm ET. This is a closed meeting for men who are in recovery

—or seeking to be in recovery—
for sex addiction.

If you need the free

ZOOM desktop or mobile app
you can get those here.​


Other Links We Use

Would you like to stay in touch with the MondayMen guys during the week?
Do you want to be able to share your struggles—and your victories—with guys who understand where you are?
Just scan (or CLICK) the QR code below to join us in a private text group on the platform.

GroupMe logo
GroupMe MonMen QR Code.png

This meeting is self-supporting in keeping with the 7th Tradition of SAA. If you'd like to contribute to your recovery and to our meeting expenses, you can now do that using VENMO, or by using the DonorBox form below. Our routine expenses include a Zoom Workplace subscription for our meetings and shared website and domain costs for and any other expenses would be decided on by the group.

 7th Tradition Options 

Here are two ways to participate in supporting this meeting financially:

1. Give a gift via VENMO by

scanning (or clicking) the QR code below with your smartphone.
(Fee-Free ;-)


The 7th of 12



Every SAA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

2. Use the form below to donate thru
(their service fees will be deducted from your gift)

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