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A collection of books, articles, brochures, inventories, and other tools that JR has found helpful.


Whenever I reference a resource or helpful tool in my journal entries, I'll include links and a little background information on this page.


Marble Surface
Image by César Viteri

Books I Have

Read or Used

There are a lot of books on sexual addiction. There are also a lot of opinions on which ones are best and which to avoid. Here are some that have crossed my path...

Image by Antoine Dautry

Sex Addiction Assessments

"Am I a sex addict?"

I remember the first time I heard those words in my head like it was yesterday. I had no idea whether or not that was even a real thing or where to turn to find out, other than good ol' Dr. Google where I was overwhelmed at the search results. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but my addict brain didn't want to sort through the options, so I quit looking. I've since learned that there are standard assessments that are widely accepted for helping to answer the question. You can read about my personal experience here. Or, you can just use the links below and go take the test(s) yourself. The preliminary one is free and is called the SAST. The more thorough inventory, and the one that got my attention, costs about $30 and is called the SARA.
Good luck! 

My Enneagram

Enneagram of Personality

Sometimes knowing what makes us tick and relate to others can help us make needed changes in habits or attitudes. It's not perfect (none are) but this testing has helped a lot of people, including me.

Image by Thor Alvis

The Twelve Traditions of SAA

Vital insights into the reasons we do what we do in recovery. I really didn't grasp the value of these, especially the narratives included in the Green Book, until well into my second year.

These also have a lot to do with the 'group conscience' that governs recovery groups, these are important in the role they play to create safe environments for addicts to confront their issues and grow in community...

Image by Michael Skok

The Twelve Steps

The 12 Steps are the foundations of many recovery programs, not just for sexual addiction. The original Steps were from Alcoholics Anonymous and have been loaned — or borrowed — across the spectrum of recovery programs...


The Promises

Each 12-Step meeting starts with reminding ourselves of certain guidelines, goals, and boundaries that are to be applied in the meeting. These vary from group to group, but The Promises of AA are among the most popular. On my journey, they have gone from 'ridiculous' the first time I heard them, to 'very meaningful' as I've witnessed them realized...

recovery village logo

There are a number of places around the United States — and around the world — for in-patient treatment of sexual addiction. Folks at

The Recovery Village

have particularly impressed me with their heart to reach those in need of help. Ironically, it may be difficult to find their sexual addiction resources on their website (most of the info is for drug and alcohol treatment). I decided to include specific links here after several back-and-forth communications and reading their candid overview of issues surrounding

Sex Addiction and the MDMA

& 7 Myths About Sex Addiction.


(There is no sponsorship or endorsement relationship with this organization)


The Serenity Prayer(s)

The Serenity Prayer just is what it is. I include it here because this site would be incomplete without it. Also included is the original 'long' version.


Pray this prayer, early and often!


The Three Circles

There are many resources available to help guide our journey on Recovery Road; few of them are as compelling—and for some of us as difficult—as the Three Circles. I have found no quick templates to walk you through this process, but here are some descriptions and ideas to help...

a sprig

Litany of Humilty

I was first introduced to this prayer not at a time of need, but in a moment of reflection on growth that seemed to fit nicely with what the author was trying to say. This is worth linking to, or even committing to memory.

12 Steps
12 Traditions
Serenity Prayer
The Promises
Three Circles
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